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Dragon Ball Super 24 Condensed

It pretty much went like this:..

Kamen Rider Ghost 11 Condensed

I'm trying out a new idea for a post series that I just came up with two minutes ago. And unlike all my other random thoughts this one shouldn't be much work, so here it is. The idea is I take new episodes of various shows as I wat…..

Fate/kaleid liner 3rei is Epic, But the Anime Creates a Huge Barrier of Entry

The finale of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei , the second season to adapt the 2wei manga series, aired today, and attached to the end was a not-all-that-unexpected announcement that they will be adapting the 3rei manga series next. In o…..

There's a First Time for Everything

Let this day mark the first time I have ever changed the status of an anime episode that had already passed on my  Detective Conan Important Episode List  based on something that happened in a new manga chapter. In the past I have based the …..

Three Friends Discuss Why Chrono Cross is an "Amazing RPG"

WARNING: Major spoilers for both Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger...

New Comment System

With the comments system the way it was, people were having lots of trouble leaving comments on static pages (most notably the Detective Conan Important Episode List , which was most popular to try to comment on). That got annoying, so I just completely switched over to a new comments system. I haven't been able to get transfering pr…..